Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 6 Crossfit/Strength Training and Meals

Just finished my dinner right before 7 PM. Phew!  

My day went good except I felt drained after my lunch meal which I couldn't finish. Again, working out at crossfit box (on my own again) really kicked my ass. I pushed myself a little harder but not as agonily hard enough as I'd like but I wouldn't dare injury my feet.  Recovering my feet is important to me. 

When I got to the box, I rowed for 2k meters to warm up as usual. (How on earth do you row with boot on?  Don't worry, I will take a picture next week and show you. A good trick). 

Afterwards, I did  3 sets/12 reps of #30 (in each hand) Dumbbell Shrugs. 

Then I did the WOD that I made up:
21-15-9 for time of
#14 MB sit-ups 
#35 KB SDHP 
#85 Power Clean 
Finished in 12.29.6 
I put #5 lb plate underneath my right foot so that my hips would be level. Almost. 

I did biceps 3 different ways. #45 bar 7 reps each non stop. Rested between sets 7-7-7. 7-7-7.  7-7-7.  I think my biceps will be remarkably sore by tomorrow night. Uh-oh. 

Lastly, I did 3 sets/12 reps of bench triceps push downs. 

I downloaded an app Ballistic WoD Timer so I could time myself during my WODs.  The box has their own clock for the class.  Not a bad idea to use this cute app!  After I completed my 21-15-9 WOD, I rested before I did strength training while the class was still doing their agony 1 mile Farmer Carry with weight plates WOD 

#45 Bar Biceps in 3 different ways.  3 sets of 7 reps each bicep workouts.  Notice the #5 lb weight plate under my right foot?  Not a bad idea, right?

Immediately following our workouts, we chugged down muscle pharm re-con drinks. It replenishes and recovers tired muscle. No dairy.  So I'm OK with that.


When my husband and I got home, I made us both amino acid drink. Unsweetened vanilla almond and L-Glutamine powder.  It has essential benefits to feed our muscle and immune system. 
We have been taking L-glutamine since our ultra marathon trainings.  That means we have been taking these for over 3 years now.  I personally love it. Be sure to buy high quality kind.  In powder form.  Not pills. Made of 100% pure L-glutamine powder.  

Anyway we had leftovers for lunch. Pot roast. I couldn't finish it. It wasn't much when I scooped that into my bowl though.  I was feeling so exhausted and high at the same time. The endorphin has kicked in.  Shortly after lunch, I went to take a shower.  Didn't feel like blow drying my hair or anything of such. 

You get the picture now.  Next week or so, my normal energy level will hopefully bounce back in as soon as my body gets used to working out and eating clean at the same time.  
I admit it is hard but it will get as breezy as you go on.  Back in my ultra marathon training days, I remember I was feeling excruciatingly lethargic all the frigging time for 2 full weeks everyday.  Napped and napped and napped.  Twice a day, I swear. Miles and miles of trail running was hard but I enjoyed it very much so. It was a challenge I finally accomplished.  It was amazing!  I, in fact, miss that.  I hopefully will return to ultra trail running.  Only if my feet will be so good to me.  

Off the point here but the point is you will experience feeling lethargic when you start working out or reintroducing yourself back into workouts after a period of absences.  Or fall off the wagon on eating clean. Shit happens but you, only you, are in charge of your own body.  You are what you eat. Right?  Sucks.  But you can change that. Time is of the essence. 

As soon as my kids got home from school, of course, don't tell me your kids don't do that, they literally raided my pantry and refrigerator for junk food.  Everyday.  Kids, right? 
Too tired to nag at them.  I was like that too as a kid. I let my kids enjoy doing that. When they get older, they will change their mind about how they eat.  I know they will come to me "Mom, I need do I start...what do I eat... can I eat that or those..." I intuitively know they will look back and thank us for that.  

Snack, I had a bowl of fruit cereal. In a controlled portion this time. First and last fruits of the day.  Half banana, 3 strawberries, very few of walnuts, sprinkle of unsweetened coconut chips, and cinnamon and drizzled with chilled canned coconut milk cream. About 3 TBS or barely 1/4 cup.  It was suffice to feel satiated after that.  No dried cranberries this time!  High in sugar.  I'd rather eat banana over that.  Has potassium.  

Yummy!  I never get tired eating this!  Out of world so delicious!

When we watched a movie, the "new" Carrie, we ate some mixed nuts instead of popcorn. 

Then I saw the time, about 6:30 PM.   Yikes!   I swore not to eat anything after 7 PM excluding my kids. They never stop eating.  Just like goats. 

My husband and daughter ate leftovers but my husband not so much. 

I made breakfast as i call it either breakinner or dinnerfast for my son and I. Then my husband wanted some breakfast too. 
Breakfast or breakinner or dinnerfast were of 2 fried eggs, sausage patty and sautéed kale. Done with the last meal right before 7 PM!  Hallelujah!  

Oh wait!!!  I just now drank amino acid (unsweetened coconut milk and L-glutamine)  Decided not to take MP Combat today.  I try to take it every other day or two.  It has dairy in it, you know?  

Breakinner or Dinnerfast  (breakfast for dinner)

I'll be back tomorrow.  Or Sunday.  No cheat meals. 

Enjoy your weekend.  Stay healthy!

Sweet dreams

Meli Emmons. 

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