Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 3 Snack and Dinner

Cant believe its almost the end of day 3!  Almost half way to 7 days.  Now, that's not too bad?  My headache has subsided today. It's probably from detoxing.  

Later this afternoon, the soreness of my muscle from yesterday's workout has begun to grow. Now I'm really starting to feel them more and more by the hour.  I'm going to down a cup of unsweetened almond milk and L-Glutamine powder before bedtime.  Hurts so good!

As for snack 2 hours after lunch, I had a fruit bowl which were of 3 strawberries, half a banana, few walnuts, some shredded coconuts, 1/4 cup of chilled canned coconut milk cream and cinnamon.  So delicious!  

Snack or Dessert.  Fruit bowl or Fruit Cereal.

 I also had sparkling coconut water with my snack. I recommend you to try those!  They have variety of flavors.

Can be found at your local food stores

After lunch, I had to prep for dinner meal- slow cooked Herb De Provence chicken thighs in which I often make them. So easy and cheap and delicious!
It takes approximately 3 hours to slow cook.  You can never go wrong with Le Creuset Dutch Oven but if you don't have those, any kind of Dutch oven will work. Or use a slow cooker. 

Coat chicken thighs well (with skin on) with a handful of Herb De Provence, sea salt, and black pepper. That's it. Yes, I told you it's so easy and cheap. Plus it's delicious too!  Then place them in Dutch oven evenly with skin facing up.  Cover and bake at 285 degrees for 3 hours.  Then increase the temp to 350 degrees and take the top off and bake again for another 20 minutes or until skin are golden and crisp.  They are fingerlicking delicious!  

Herb De Provence (can be found at your local health food store in the bulk area or you can find a bottle or order online. But buying in a bulk is way a lot cheaper)

Place chicken thighs with skin face up evenly in your dutch oven.

Don't they look scrumptiously delicious!!!   I swear they are to die for!  

Then we had pan-fried asparagus with coconut oil, sea salt, black pepper, and freshly squeezed lime juice.  

I know... paper plates, what was I thinking!  Just don't start with me on this one.  I often get picked on about this. ha ha.

I boiled some potatoes and peas for both my kids. They never liked like asparagus.  I didn't like them either when I was their age so I'm not worried about that now. 


2 hours later after dinner, I had a few macadamia nuts and some herbal tea.  I'm pretty much satiated right now until tomorrow morning.

I look forward to working out at crossfit box tomorrow.  

I hope you started eating clean. I would love to hear your stories. Share with me by leaving comments below.  Those recipes I have posted since day 1 are all made up on my own. My own creativity.  So I hope you enjoy them.  You can always modify those recipes I shared with you.  Some people have different taste or ideas.  

I'll be back for day 4 blogs 

Good night y'all. 

Sweet dreams!

Meli Emmons 

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