Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 16. Leftovers always taste better.

It got cold again today and it'll even be colder tomorrow!!  Yesterday was pleasantly warm!  It was in the high 60's.  What the heck?!  Seriously, Texas weather needs to seek intensive therapies for bipolar disorder.  Anyway, today, we mostly had leftover baby back ribs, which is a great thing when you make a large batch of meat so you don't have to cook every day.  Just grab the leftovers out of the refrigerator and heat them up in the warm oven and you are good to go especially if you have appointments like I did earlier today right after Crossfit.

Breakfast: Leftover chicken rotisserie from H-E-B and scrambled eggs.  Just chop up pieces of chicken rotisserie and warm them up in the skillet, add coconut oil and scrambled eggs.  Of course we had some Lattes.  

 3 hours later, we were down at Crossfit Box.  Got warmed up by mobility and then we did strength training before the hard WOD but it was fun!  Fun because I was able to do squats!!  Finally!  My left ankle didn't hurt so much but of course I kept my weights light, gotta be careful.  I have to increase the weights gradually week by week.  Still wearing my surgical boot.   Here is what our today's workout looked like

For strict press, I started out at #55, #65, #75, and #85.  Then for the WOD, I did #65 "Cluster" EMOM 12 minutes.  (Every Minute On Minute)  Here's what "Cluster" looks like  I loved that!

When we got home, I immediately drank L-Glutamine and BCAA with unsweetened vanilla milk instead of Whey Isolate because lately, I felt bloated from it.  So, I am going to try this way again like I used to in the past.  

Lunch, like I said leftovers are great!  I was tired and also in a hurry to get ready for my beauty treatment appointments.  We had leftover ribs (oh wait, I had leftover orange peel chicken and my husband had ribs) with pan fried asparagus in coconut oil and a very small baked sweet potatoes with coconut oil and cinnamon.  I would say about 1/4 of a medium sweet potato. And a green tea, great antioxidant and recovery too.  Amazingly I felt satisfied all day long from this meal.  I didn't even have a snack in midday.  

Post workout lunch

After my beauty treatment appointments earlier today, I felt like a beauty queen.  Well, I would like to think so!  LOL
I had my shellac nails done and other treatments too.  I'm all good to go except I cannot wait to see my dear old friend up in Dallas this weekend for my hair appointment!   And psyched for my Dad's Retirement Party this weekend too!!!!  I cannot believe he has worked for the same company for 45 years!  I am so proud of my Dad!  
I was ready to go home and get dinner warmed up, thank God for leftovers! 

Like my nails!?  Shellac using Cuccio brand.  Scarf on, so cold today!  I'm not a scarf person but I didn't want to wear coat or jacket.  A vest and scarf sufficed.  

 My husband managed to warm up meat and sweet potatoes for us!  I only had to make Kale salad!

Kale, avocado, coconut vinegar, and extra light virgin oil.  You can use other kind of vinegar of your choice.  Just be sure it doesn't have added sugar.  Season with sea salt and black pepper.

Again, leftovers for dinner except the kale salad!  Italian Pesto Poblano Boat, Baby Back Ribs, and Baked Sweet Potatoes. Very simple and very quick too!  Leftovers taste better when warmed up in the oven not in the microwave otherwise you get soggy food unless you like them this way.

My husband asked me to stop by the mail to see if our Nespresso capsules orders have arrived so I did.  YAYAYAYAYAY!!!  Thank God they arrived because we were out of these this morning.    What would we do without Latte or Cappuccino tomorrow??  Monster Mode!  
Also another good thing is my children's schools may close tomorrow due to possible freezing temps.  Of course, we need our coffee!!!  

Love how they put their capsules in sleek black boxes with colors at the end.  

All in all, I had a good day!  I didn't realize until later that I have got my energy back.  It's the beginning of 3rd week so far.  Let's see how much my body transforms at the end of this challenge.  I try not to dwell about it because it will stress me out.  Well, at least, I am trying.  It's hard, I admit, but it will get easier with time.

I am done with today's blog.  I look forward to getting some good night's sleep.  I hope you sleep well tonight too!

Sweet Dreams,
Meli Emmons

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