Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 13 & 14. Texas weather has bipolar disorder

Greetings y'all!  Seriously, Texas weather has bipolar disorder!  It CANNOT make up its own mind on which season to stick onto for a while.  It's like it has mood swings, IE., weather swings.   
On Day 12, we had freezing temperate over night and I had text calls from my children's schools and our next door neighbor saying that school is closed.  Really?!  I knew kids would be so overjoyed with the news!  Eric went to tell them to not get up for school and to sleep in.  

Here is the picture below at about 6 30 AM, I couldn't go back to sleep because I was excited to see how much ice/snow we got, very rare in Austin, TX.  Probably every other 5 years or so, we'd get that.  I made my Nespresso Latte, of course!  Checked out the back door to the deck, awesome! And turned on the fireplace!  Opened the curtains...

My husband held up the LED flashlight so we could see how much ice we got on our backyard deck.   That's it?  Yup, that's it.  You from North, don't tell us that it's nothing.  We, Texans or southerners, are very inexperienced with icy roads or snowy roads, we are prone to accidents.  We would drive like senior citizens going 5 mph.  Literally.  Icy bridges are very dangerous to drive over.   Especially for school buses.  
Remember I said "Opened the curtains..."?  I was stunned to see how little ice we had in our backyard.  What?????  That's all?!  Oh well.  At least our deck looked pretty.  Actually, both our children woke up hours later with "School closed for THAT????"  I told them at least they didn't have to go to school, 3 days weekend!  
Our front yard from the front door.  OH MY GOD, that's all?  LOL  Don't you laugh at us.  We got excited, again, it's very rare in Austin, TX to get anything white.

I had to brag.  My beautiful Nespresso Latte!

Moving on.  Later that day, both my kids already got restless and bored.  Yea, should they be in school but no.  They wanted to do something fun.  My daughter went over to her friend's house and stayed there all day long because they had a couple of other friends over.  So fine with me.  Then my son wanted to go watch a movie in Austin, he had a gift card to AMC.  Fine, my husband and I got dressed and ready to run errands in Austin again.  2 birds with 1 stone (my son to the movies, us run errands).   What... what about our 30 Days Paleo Challenge?  Relax, I'm experienced with Paleo for almost 3 years being a Paleo so I knew what to order and eat at restaurants.  I'm happy to give you examples.  Again, you can find Paleo friendly restaurants.
I would add Aubelo's and Pluckers to the list too.   Pictures below.

Aubelo's by Barton Creek Mall.  You can tell waiter what you want for your meal.  This is what my husband and I had for lunch.  Chicken and shrimp fajitas.  We asked the waiter to please omit rice, beans, cheese, and sour cream.  And to add double scoops of guacamole and some salsa.  Romaine lettuce wraps instead of tortillas.   See?!  Easy.  Not that complicated!  But do not eat chips and salsa!  We tell the waiter to please not bring us the chips or salsa.  Of course the waiter were perplexed at this.  Who cares.

Pluckers, one of our favorite wings place.  Again, paleo friendly if you make special requests.  This is our dinner, our son joined us.  He was telling us all about the movie he saw over dinner.  Hobbit 2.  Anyway, I had lemon pepper wings, 10. Of course I ate all of them!!!  I ordered side salad, omitting cheese, onions, and croutons by request.  Balsamic vinegar.  At first, the salad was brought to me before wings meal.  I ate a little bit of that, then realized I was supposed to eat protein first.  So I stopped eating salad (picture shown) as I was patiently waiting for my lemon pepper wings.  After I ate all of these, I went back to salad suddenly not so hungry for that.  At least I ate all of my celery sticks.  I ignored the salad.  Oh well.  Next time, just order 10 pieces of wings, no side salad.  Cheaper that way.  

When we got home after dropping our son off at a friend's house.   My husband and I had light desserts, banana and strawberries with almond butter (1 TBS) and a small scoop of whipped coconut cream.  That was it.  We felt satisfied.  We relaxed by the fireplace and watched some TV.  Waited until it was time to pick our kids up from their friend's house so we could retire for bed for our Saturday's 10 AM crossfit.

Day 13
Crossfit, boy, was it cold!!!  But we had a killer workout! We got warmed up.   Great fat burning and strength training combo workout!

I was happy to participate in the class and we did it in team of two.  We each had to do 29 of each workout (see the picture below) but, we had to finish 29 rope climbs together.  

I had a couple of alternative workouts. Obviously, feet not recovered 100% from surgery yet. Burpees, I used the box to do push ups and return to standing position and clap my hands above my head and repeat. 29 times.  29 was our coach's girlfriend's 29th Birthday!  We do birthday number rituals in our WOD, always.  Anyway, DU is double unders, obviously, I couldn't do that but instead I did #45 bar strict press.  Box Jumps, I did step ups instead.  Finally, got to use my legs!  It has been 3 months I haven't used my legs.  I was excited.  But, I knew I would pay the price for getting sore legs tomorrow!  Squats (back or front squats) and yes I did that!  Back squat at #65 bar, though.  I could have gone heavier but again, weak ankles.  Gotta be smart about that.  Rope climbs, of course not, not with my surgical boot on!  Ha, I would have slipped and fell!  So, I laid down on my back with my both hands gripping onto rope and climbed myself up until standing position and then climb back down using hands on the rope.  Great workout!   Now, the ring flips.  OH MY GOD, that was fun and hard!  I could feel my arms and ABS burning.   I did ring flips, slowly!  That way, I wouldn't slam my both feet hard on the ground.   

Becca's 29th Birthday Workout! At Crossfit Strive Bastrop
Picture credits to Kelly Grohman from Instagram.  Great picture!  This beautiful young lady in aqua top is Becca.  It was her Birthday today!  Cupcakes.  Me in royal blue jacket and my husband wearing CSB shirt.  No, we did not eat cupcakes. Eric and I felt bad, but we had to turn down the offer.  

Our post workout lunch. Chicken and sautéed green collards in lemon juice and coconut oil.  (Chicken from H-E-B)

Later in the day, it was our snack time.  This dish, I am telling you, is irresistibly delicious!!!!   It reminded me of La Madeline's Strawberries Romanof.  Oh, first, my husband surprised me with new Le Creuset mini bowls last night!  I was excited to use them as our dessert bowl that way we could make smaller dessert portion and it worked!  Anyway, this dessert contained of 4 or 5 small strawberries, whipped coconut milk cream, cinnamon and fresh mint!  Recipe below.
Irresistibly delicious Not Really La Madeline's Strawberries Ramonof or Not Really Strawberries Shortcake.  (See the new Le Creuset mini bowl?  Perfect portion for desserts).

I think I will go with My Paleo Not Really La Madeline Strawberries Romanof.  Recipe...

Coconut milk can, do not shake it at all.  Place it in the refrigerator overnight.  Take the can out and open the top off.  Scoop the solidified fat or cream from the top.  Do not use the liquid.  Reserve the liquid for smoothie or sautées or broth for future use.
In a bowl, whisk the solidified coconut milk fat or cream with your hand mixer.  Mix for about 30 seconds to break it up.  Add vanilla creme stevia drops to it, about 12-15 drops.  Start with small doses (8-10 drops first and taste.  Add more to your liking.) 
Slice strawberries into your mini bowl.  Top it with whipped coconut milk cream.  Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top.  Garnish it with fresh mint.  It was a perfect marriage in your mouth if you added some fresh mint to it, I promise!  Mint is good for your guts and others though.  Here's the benefits of mint link below.

See you in the next blog for an amazing dinner recipe and a surprise dessert after dinner.  So this is not good-bye yet.

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