Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 30 completed Before and After pictures.

Now that I have reached my 30 Day Paleo Challenge.  I have took pictures of my "after" appearances.  Either you agree with me or not.  This is from my point of view.  

Before you go and look at my pictures.  You want to know what's ironic?  I only lost 2 pounds!  Seriously.  Only 2 pounds, you say?  Yes, 2 pounds.  Remember earlier in one of my blogs, if you eat right and lift heavy weights, you will burn fat and gain muscle, thus muscle weigh more than body fat.  What I mean is that you lift weight, you gain muscle so your weight stays the same or slightly different.  But you lose MORE inches than the weight. My clothes, underwear, workout clothes, yoga pants, and bras feel loose on my body now than on Day 1.  The clothes were too snug for me and I hated it.   I had to burn off the fat and gain back the muscle.  Start from square 1.    I admit I was looking forward to weighing 145 pounds again like I did last year until I had surgery on my both feet at different times.   My husband is the same thing here.  He lost body fat, but weighs the same or even gained a pound because he has lifted heavier weights than before.  So we are on the same boat here.  I know our weight will shift later on.  Give or take, 3  months at most, it will happen.  Here's the perfect link on more information about muscle and body weight/fat

I know it is weird, but according to the link above, it does work wonders.  Here's my proof.  See below.  

Before (left) and After (right) You may see that my back, waist and ribcage have reduced inches of body fat.   Notice my my breast in the left picture hung out of my red bikini top a little bit?  Now, look at my breast in the right picture stayed inside the red bikini top.  Good start for now. Again, if you will look at my shoulder in both pictures, you can see my deltoids (shoulder) have toned a little bit.  (Look at the shadow on my deltoids). 

Before (left) and After (right) I don't know about you, but I can see that my breasts have reduced a little bit. My upper ribcage and obliques are showing more definition now (right picture).  The inches on my inner thighs also have reduced a little bit.  Not very much, but I'm getting ahead in the game now.  It will take a couple more months for me to drastically lose body fat and inches.  My chest (teres major) connecting to deltoids (shoulder) have slightly expanded.  (It may look like my breasts have grown in wide side but they're only my muscle).
 I'm not exactly satisfied with my appearance but at least I'm getting there.  My rib cages and upper midsection have reduced the size in appearance.  Patience is too great to deal with but it will pay off.
Hips and waist and shoulders have slimmed down.  I also noticed that my shoulders' definition have slightly changed some too.  Thanks to Crossfit. A lot upper workouts than the legs in the past month.  But now, the leg workouts are coming in a lot lately.  Oh boy! I can't wait!
  I like that both my oblique muscle and upper midsection are slightly expanding and changing in definitions too, which is what I was hoping for. But I need to work harder on my lower abs (belly) area.   Gotta work my butt off some more.  This has been a little over a month since Ive been back to Crossfit.  So, the physical appearance will change in overtime.

In conclusion, I have completed my 30 Day Paleo Challenge.  However,  I am still continuing my Paleo lifestyle.  I am going to refrain whey protein/isolate from my paleo diet because they still make me feel bloated and sluggish.  I will stick to L-glutamine and BCAA with water or almond milk only.  I also will have to restrict on nuts and fruits intakes this time.  Still no honey or maple syrup in my diet for a long while.  I have to burn off excess of body fat.

I will keep you updated from time to time in my blogs, just not on a daily basis this time since I am moving around more and more now that I'm not wearing my surgical boot anymore!  Yay!

See you in my next blog soon.  I will blog on my interesting and yummy recipes too!

Good night, y'all!

Meli Emmons

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