Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 15! Banana Bread French Toast & Baby Back Ribs recipes.

What a beautiful Sunday!  However, I woke up with a very sore body!  Crossfit kicked my ass yesterday.  Hurts so good, though.  I finally got to sleep in late, I so needed that.  I slept until 9 AM!  Very rare.  I went to bed early last night around 10:30 PM.  Almost 11 hours of sleep.  Wow.  
Suddenly I realized that it's my 15th day of 30 Day Paleo Challenge!  That means 2 weeks down and 2 more weeks to go!  I was tempted to post my 15 days photos of my current body.  It has transformed some, slimmer.  I finally could see my upper ribcage and my tummy didn't bulge out so much as it did 2 weeks ago.  Now I am anticipating to see how much my body will transform in 2 more weeks or another 15 more days.  Once I complete my 30 Day Paleo Challenge, don't mistake me for planning on giving up Paleo and returning to SAD (Standard American Diet).  I will continue my clean lifestyle eating habit (Paleo/Primal) way.  I know for sure that I have to cut out dairy (cream, milk, cheese, and butter except whey protein isolate) since they give me acne.

Anyway, I decided to make Banana Bread French Toast for a very late breakfast or lunch.  Because my son, Noah, mentioned a few days ago that he has been wanting some french toast.  He hasn't had some for a long time.  So, I decided to surprise the kids to make some for lunch,  apparently it was so late cause it takes more than an hour to bake a banana bread or loaf.  Scroll down pictures to see how to make them.   

Here's the link for the recipe that I used to make these but I modified the recipes a little bit.  The modifications will be captioned in pictures.

Eggs, bananas, almond butter, coconut oil, cinnamon, salt, coconut flour, why protein isolate, vanilla extract, baking soda, baking powder.  The ingredients and recipe are shown in the link above.  You will need to follow their recipe.  I added less than 1/4 cup of coconut flour since I wanted to use vanilla protein isolate (2 scoops) which was part of my modification.

4 eggs, great protein source.  Always add eggs in a mixer first before you add other ingredients.

Banana and other wet ingredients.  Ready to add in dry ingredients.

Ignore my latte, not part of the recipe. hehe.  Dry ingredients into the wet mixture.  Follow the recipe shown in the link.

Seriously, Le Creuset rocks!  I swear they work wondrous in baking or cooking.  They taste incredibly perfect and delicious.  Anyway, raw banana bread mixture into oil sprayed pan.  Put it in the oven set at 350 degrees hot and let it bake for 1 hour if using glass or stoneware pans but if using metal pans, less time, follow the recipe per se the link)
As you can see the timer on my oven, at 25 minutes, put the foil over the pan so the top/crust doesn't burn.  That was my modification.  From my experiences, they did burn and the recipes didn't say anything about adding foil over to keep it from burning.  I would recommend that.  Trust me on that one.

Ta-Da!!!  What did I tell you about Le Creuset!  They have won my heart.  We were hesitant on spending money on Le Creuset but so far my baking or cooking have not been screwed up.  They looked and tasted the best ever.  So impressed with their quality.  I have used Pyrex or metal pans or dishes before, they did not let food slide out neatly like this one in the picture!  I swear!  I have made banana breads or other baked goods several times before, they fell apart and or the sides of loaf got stuck onto the sides of the pan.  So easy to clean up, seriously.  Same goes for dutch ovens, they are so easy to clean.  No food stuck to the pans or pots.  Anyway, turn your bread pan over let the banana bread slide out onto the rack. Let it cool off on the cookie rack for about 20 minutes before you slice.  Again, follow the recipe per se the link.  Just print the recipe.  I did.

After the bread was cooled, I used serrated knife and sliced these into an inch thick.  See, they stayed intact!  They were super delicious and moist!   Now, it's time to make french toast!

To make the french toast batter, eggs, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and cinnamon.  My modification was 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of 1/4 cup.  Again, from my  experiences, the more liquid was better because you wouldn't get "scrambled eggs" on your french toasts.   Trust me.  I don't know why the recipe said 1/4 cup.  I just don't understand it. Maybe it meant 2 eggs and 1/4 cup of milk?  Who knows.
Ready to dip banana bread slices into the french toast batter!

See these little scrambled eggs around the bread?  That's why I didn't think 1/4 cup was a good idea.  I didn't cook it for 3 minutes on each side like the recipe said.   I knew they'd burn quickly.  They are not the traditional french toasts like ASD (American Standard Diet) so they cook differently.  I would cook about 1 minute each side.  Maybe a little bit longer than 1 minute, but not 3 minutes.  I set my stove on at number 5 which is a medium heat. Anyway, the fragrant was awesome!!!!!

Ohhhhh!!!!  Soooooo gooooood!  Maple syrup for my kids and melted coconut oil with cinnamon and vanilla creme stevia syrup (In the mini bowl) for Eric and I.  To make coconut oil syrup: 3 or 4 TBS of coconut oil, melted.  Add half teaspoon of cinnamon and 10 drops of vanilla creme stevia liquid in the bowl.  Whisk until well incorporated.  Drizzle that over Banana Bread French
Toast.  I had 2 slices of that.    Tip: for kids you can sprinkle some of white powder sugar over the french toast and drizzle some maple syrup to it.  Enjoy!

Now, we planned on having Eric's famous Baby Back Pork Ribs for dinner tonight!  Takes all day to cook these in a slow cooker.  The ingredients are very very very simple.  You will be shocked!  Not as traditional as at BBQ places you have been to.  Let me tell you something about ingredients... the fewer ingredients the better they taste. Odd but true.  You do not want to overpower your meat or meals with too many ingredients. Keep it simple and not only that, it's also budget wise.  They will still taste so delicious.  Many times my husband has made these and our guests were in awe when they ate some of our ribs.  Especially my dad and mom.  They make BBQ's so many times, surprisingly enough, they do limit their ingredients too.  I never knew that until I asked my dad what he has been putting on their meat when he smokes or BBQ them.  They do not like to add too many ingredients on their meats either.  Ah, that was why I loved eating my dad's BBQ meat all my life.  

Eric preps Baby Back Pork Ribs.  Now here comes the ingredients next, you'll be shocked.

Yes... that's all!  Just 3 simple ingredient-smoked paprika (at Costco) and sea salt/black pepper.  You can get creative with your own rub spices, IE., garlic salt and onion powder, etc... my husband and I do not like garlic at all.  

In the slow cooker they go!  Cook at low and slow for about 7-8 hours.  The meat will fall off the bone!   Stay tuned for my next blog to see what they look like after cooked!

They are finger licking delicious!!  They are Abby's favorite ribs.  She often asks for these when she's in the mood for some.

Eric has decided to buy himself a giant toy today!  He's ecstatic!  

The salesman helped load Eric's toy onto the trailer.  Eric's gonna get so busy smoking and BBQ'ing all week long with his new toy!!  LOL. I'm excited!!!

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs.  The purpose of my blogs are to let you know that eating right or clean do not have to be time-consuming or cost arms and legs to get or stay healthy.  I promise you they will get easier once you become familiar with recipes and cooking and the cost-wise when grocery shopping.
It is not too late to change your lifestyle right now!

See you soon in my tonight's blog with our ribs!

Have a great Sunday.

Meli Emmons

New blog of ribs after cooked. 
Don't those baby back ribs look so good?!  Nom nom!

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