Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 11 (oops- late) and 12

Hello y'all again!  I'm back here, on day 12.  I apologize for not being here on Day 11.  I felt I needed a break from blogging since I didn't cook yesterday but pretty much snacked on beef jerky and pistachio nuts and downed protein drinks.  We were in Austin running errands so I was away from home.  But I stayed on my Day 30 Paleo Challege track anyway.  For dinner we had some Chiptole pork salad.  Paleo friendly, FYI.   According to Paleo friendly restaurant list

See, you don't have to go "OH MY GOD, what am I gonna eat when going out???"  Relax, my friends, there are plenty of paleo friendly restaurants you can go to and not feel so guilty about it.   I frequently dine at Central Market cafe.  You may have seen me there before or not but in the future be on the look out!  ;-)  Don't be shy to stop by and say Hi if you know who I am.  

Here's the humor of the day, occasionally, I feel like I need some wine fix.  I am a wine lover... I saw this picture from a friend of mine on Instagram and I found it so hilarious.  I had to share it with you.  This is how I feel right now... 911!  Wine please!  LOL 
Of course, no alcohol for now.  (counting days...)

911! Wine Fix, please!

As we were in Austin, TX, we returned our Starbucks Verismo machine and got this Nespresso U with Aeroccino Plus (larger size, heat or cold and large serving size, even though, we already own an older and smaller size aeroccino frother machine.  Heat only, smaller serving size).  

Long story short, Eric and I were introduced to Nespresso machine years ago in Chicago at Bloomingdale and I instantly fell in love with it.  I very much have been wanting to own one but we felt it was too expensive back then because they just came out at that time. Through  years, you have no idea how many times we have bought several different coffee makers... you can say I am very fussy about these.  I am hard to please when it comes to coffee makers or the quality of coffee taste.  Verismo does make good coffee.  No question.  Thus, Nespresso machines have always been in the back of my head for years.  Starbucks Verismo is almost like Nespresso but it is a bit more messy than Nespresso.  It also had more steps to make coffee or espresso than Nespresso does.  My husband especially did not like that machine because of the water dispenser location and not convenient to refill water.  Back to the point, when we stopped by Williams Sonoma store, we were looking for a new coffee maker... I happened to find this Nespresso U & Aeroccino Plus in the clearance area.  You have no idea how hard  and fast my heart pounded when I saw the clearance price.  I gave my husband my puppy eyes and instantly he could see how badly I have been wanting to own Nespresso for years.  He finally let me have it.  I gasped with relief and happiness!  I was ecstatic! Not only that, the burnt orange convinced him to buy it anyway.  He liked the color very much.  Whew.    I could not wait to get home and play with it!!  My husband did, in fact, get excited and ordered 100 Nespresso capsules online as soon as we got home.  Again, I was ecstatic!  Actually, I am still ecstatic at this moment!  

I'm so proud of our new Nespresso U machine!  I giggled when I made some latte this morning!

OK, enough about Nespresso. Let's move onto dinner.
It was almost 6 PM, and we were so hungry and decided to stop by Chiptole for dinner.  We both had pork salad.  Lettuce, pork, guacamole (small scoop), roasted bell peppers and onions and their dressing.  And water.  That was it.  I didn't finish my salad because it was huge.  I was supposed to eat an ideal portion.  So half of that salad bowl.  Eric, my husband, ate his whole salad.  Big man gotta eat!  Then we ordered 2  more dinner to go for our children at home.   Now that was my day 11.  Nothing much.  No workout, rest day.

Day 12, holy cow, so cold cold cold outside.  Whyyyyy??  :-( No like cold!   Anyway for breakfast, I didn't have time to make a nice breakfast meal because I had doctor's appointment for my foot check up.  I downed a protein drink immediately upon my awake.  Then, I got excited to make my first Nespresso latte!  I hurriedly got ready and was already running a little late for my appointment and I was so hungry.  I heated up leftover orange peel chicken and quickly ate it all.  

At the doctor's office, I was anticipating to find out whether or not I can stop wearing the boot, yes the fugly surgical boot.    
Bad news, 1 or 2 more weeks of wearing that FUGLY boot.  Sigh, my ankle implant has not healed completely yet, it has been 4 weeks now.  But the good news is I can take my boot off only at home on short trips such as to the bathroom etc... but outside home, boot on.  
Better safe than sorry, right?  I'd not want to mess them up and have surgery again to fix them.  No way in hell am I gonna go back to surgery.  I hate recovery times.  I'm too impatient for that.  More than 3 months is too long for me now.  Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive about it.  Hard, but I have to suck it up.

It was almost time for our crossfit workout at noon, I hurriedly went and changed to my workout gear, the warm gear.  Ugh!!!  I hate working out in cold temperature because at our crossfit box, they do not have either Air Conditioning nor Heater.  I had to dress warm accordingly.  

Before we left for crossfit, I had 2 slices of green apples and a few pistachio nuts for fuel. Plus, my stomach was barking, didn't want to deafen the entire class!  Heh.

I pouted because I had to workout in cold temps.  Half ass gloves so I could grip onto weights better.  I posted that picture to a friend of mine on Instagram.  Blamed her for bringing cold weather all the way to Texas from Indiana.  LOL  I know my friend will know who I was talking about once she reads this.  Hehe.

Oh Lord, was it so cold inside the box.  Brr.  We did warm up mobility first.  Then we did strength training:
10x4 (4 sets of 10 reps) Incline Dumbell Press #15, #20, #25, #30
10x4 Bench Dips

5 rounds of

5 Hang Clean and Snatch #45 bar
10 WallBalls
15 Situps
12 minutes Cap.  I think I finished in 6 or 7 minutes something.  As long as I finished a few minutes before 12 minutes was up!!  yay!  My heart was beating hard,  HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)!

We had some time to kill before 1 PM, so I finished off with 3 sets of 12, 8, and 6 reps Dumbbell Bicep Curls with increased weights.  #20, #25, #30. 
ABS sit-ups: 
3 sets of 12 reps each 
#20 Dumbell Russian Twist and #20 Dumbell scissor sit-ups 

Post workout, I had protein drink.  Then I made light lunch  because I usually feel so full from protein drink.  Tuna patty and a side of salad.

For tuna patty, you will need dried dill, about 1 tsp or more and sea salt/pepper,  juices of 2 lemons, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup of almond meal/flour, 2 cans of albacore tuna packed in water but I prefer packed in EVOO. I couldn't find any available, so water will do.
We got ours at Costco, great price.
Dump 2 cans of tuna into a mixing bowl, add the rest of ingredients into the bowl.  Use your hands to mix them well.
Heat your frying pan at medium-high and if you have gas stove turn on number 6-7,  coconut spray oil your pan right before you are ready to cook your tuna patties
Make your tuna mixtures into patty forms. Cook each side for about 3 minutes, keep an eye on them so they don't burn.    (Looks like chicken or turkey patties, don't they?!) Meanwhile, make your salad.  Any kind of lettuce, cucumber, carrots, and tomatoes drizzled with splash of lemon juice and ELVOO (extra light virgin oil), season with salt and pepper.

My Lunch.  Top your tuna patty with a small scoop of guacamole.  (that guacamole was from Chiptole).

Now, I'm not sure what to make for dinner.  I will have to think of something and blog later, probably tomorrow.

I'll return for more blogs later on.  I'm gonna go and turn on fireplace.  Soooo cooooollldd!  Stay warm, my dear friends!  If you are from where it's so warm outside, don't brag about it!  ;-)
So ready for Spring!  I love to see everything spring to life.

Great day, y'all!

Meli Emmons

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