Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 2 Breakfast

This is my family, the love of my life.  This was taken in 2012 in Jamaica.  This was right before we decided to join Crossfit.

Morning from CrossPaleo-According-To-Meli's blog.  Day 2 so far so good.  I lost 1 lb this morning.  Now down to #154.   I had eggs, leftovers pork chop steak, avocado, strawberries.   Before breakfast, I had a cup of cappuccino that I made at home.  I added 2 tsp of coconut oil to it and frothed unsweetened vanilla almond milk.   Yummy!

When are you starting yours?  Hopefully today?!  Simply follow my blog on day by day basis so you get some ideas on what to eat each day.  You can modify your recipes from mine or find delicious and easy recipes via or other paleo websites.  I feel paleoplan is pretty easy and simple to follow.  They have great resources too.  

Now, you are thinking why we eat eggs again?  Well, they are great protein source.  They are easy and cheap to eat!  It doesn't have to be eggs every morning.   But we eat eggs almost every morning.  Sometimes we eat eggs for dinner if I am not in the mood to spend extra time in the kitchen to cook or out of time to cook.   Again, eggs and quick and easy.  

Now the portion for men and women are slightly different.  Women eat smaller portion than men according to how our body is made this way.  Men are bigger than women therefore men eat more than us.  They just have higher metabolism than women do.  Unfair right?  Just suck it up, and accept that.  Men eat large and they lose weight quicker than we do, unfair again, right?  Just suck it up.  We are made differently this way.  Nothing we can do to change the fact.  Just eat smaller than men's portion.  

Sample of meals according to portion sizes to lose weight

Men:  3-5 eggs, bigger slice of an avocado or half of an avocado.  3-4 strawberries,  & about 3/4 of pork chop steak, sliced (as shown in the picture below)  

Women: 2 eggs, slice of an avocado, or less than half of an avocado, 2 strawberries, & about 1/4 of pork chop steak, sliced (as shown in the picture below).   You cut the most of the pork chop steak for the men then you take the rest of it.   Do not cut the pork chop steak into half.  

Same of meals according to portion sizes for athletes 

Men: 6 eggs, probably the whole avocado! 5-6 strawberries, and a whole pork chop steak.  They gotta have more food for fuel if they have to train so very hard.  

Women: 4 eggs, probably half an avocado, 3-4 strawberries, and a half of pork chop steak.  They gotta eat more too if they have to train so very hard.  

Athletes need extra fuel to train so very hard.  They do watch what they eat to keep their body fat % low and lean muscle or massive muscle.  Massive muscle, more protein through out the day.  

For more information on portion sizes.  I found a great link on that!

I forgot to add an important information about eating.  Always eat protein first before you go onto eating carbs and fats.  

Here is the link on why we need to eat protein first.

If you plan on working out, eat your breakfast 2-3 hours before then.  You don't wanna puke your breakfast on the mat, right?  You get the picture.  Gross, but it does happen.  

DRINK WATER WATER WATER ALL DAY LONG!  2 LITERS A DAY OR 1 GALLON A DAY. They flush your toxins/fats outta your body!  Again, befriend your toilet!  It's your best friend.  It never leaves, always waiting for your returns.  ;-) Never your enemy.   Just don't choke it. :-)

I'll return for more blogs later on today.  Have a great morning, y'all!

Meli Emmons

See the difference in portion size between these 2 plates?  One is mine and one is my husband's.   Men consume more food than women do.  Always.   It just works this way in a strange world.  Unfair, right?

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