Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 14 Italian Pesto Meatball Poblano Boat

Hey y'all, I'm back here again.  The dinner was scrumptious!!!!  So favorable and so delicious!  Again, I made the recipe up on my own at the last minute.  Easy. Of course, my husband and I stopped by H-E-B to shop for ingredients and some other stuff.    To make my blog short and sweet with my OMG so good recipes according to me and my family.  My daughter helped me out with this dinner prepping.  She has started to help me out more and more now.  I'm excited!  That means she will pick up on healthy tips, ideas, and benefits along down the path with me.  

Italian Pesto Poblano Boat Recipe:

For Pesto cream or sauce, you will need all of these shown in the picture.   A  bunch of fresh basil leaves and handful of fresh flat parsley.  Juice of 2 lemons, sea salt, pepper, and EVOO.  Walnuts too. (not in the picture until the next one)  Dump all of these into your food processor except EVOO.  EVOO is the last thing!

After it's been processed, add 2 handfuls of walnuts and process again until smooth.  Then slowly drizzle EVOO into the mouth of food processor neck on the top until it looks creamy.
Viola, you have the pesto!  Now, set it aside.

Poblanos, these are what they look like.   (Notice that my jar of water is in every picture?  I always have it around me to drink while prepping meals). Anyway, I got about 6 poblanos.  Washed and ready.

Cut poblanos into half, scoop out membranes and seeds.  Tops off, of course.  Now, they look like boats, don't they?!

Abby, my daughter, helped me make Italian Pesto Meatballs.  Buy some grounded Italian sausages, 2 packages, about 1 lb. each.  Add 3/4 of the pesto cream to the Italian sausage.  Mix well with your clean hands, of course.   Save the remaining of pesto cream into an air tight container for future use.  I will definitely use some of pesto in one of my meals and share recipe with you.

Aren't they cute??  Italian Pesto Poblano Boat!  Roll meatball mixture into balls.  Large to small meatballs according to the boat size.  Place them into oven-proof casserole dish.  After the dish is filled with those boats, drizzle some EVOO lightly over boats.  My son does not like poblanos, so I made 6 extra meatballs into another small casserole dish.  

Both in the oven.  350 degrees hot, and cook for about 45 to 50 minutes.  15 minutes before it was done, I sprinkled some Parmesan cheese over my son's meatballs because he's a cheese boy!!  
Abby stole one of Noah's 6 meatballs!  Tsk tsk!  Our dinner were ready to be served!  We couldn't wait to dive in!  The aroma was so delicious!  You can serve meatballs over gluten free pasta or rice.  Use the remaining of juice in the pan to drizzle over pasta or rice.  (Eric, Abby,  I didn't have rice or pasta but Noah did have gluten free pasta)

That's my Italian Pesto Meatball Boat dinner tonight.  Definitely will make these again!  Poblanos are veggies, so that's protein/carbs/fats.  Perfect!

Again? Shh, yes, again!  Like I told you in the last blog, they were irresistibly delicious!   I had to make these AGAIN!!  In a mini bowl, so we wouldn't over consume.  Not fair, but, gotta watch our portion.  I will give you the recipe again in this blog since I know you will not swipe back to my last blog to find the recipe.  Lazy!  Just Kidding.  

My Paleo Not Really La Madeline Strawberries Romanof.  Recipe...

Coconut milk can, do not shake it at all.  Place it in the refrigerator overnight.  Take the can out and open the top off.  Scoop the solidified fat or cream from the top.  Do not use the liquid.  Reserve the liquid for smoothie or sautés or broth for future use.
In a bowl, whisk the solidified coconut milk fat or cream with your hand mixer.  Mix for for about 30 seconds to break it up.  Add vanilla creme stevia drops to it, about 12-15 drops.  Start with small doses (8-10 drops first and taste.  Add more to your liking.) 
Slice strawberries into your mini bowl.  Top it with whipped coconut milk cream.  Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top.  Garnish it with fresh mint.  It was a perfect marriage in your mouth if you added some fresh mint to it, I promise!  Mint is good for your guts and others though.  Here's the benefits of mint link below.

Now, this is a wrap!

Uh-oh, I'm starting to feel sore muscle developing in my legs, glutes, and arms/chest.  L-glutamine drink time! 

Good Night, y'all!  
Have a great weekend!

Meli Emmons

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