Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 25. Steak for dinner and a trip to Central Market

I cannot believe I have gone this far, 25 days.  5 more days until I get on the weight scale to see how much I weigh and take pictures too.  I cannot wait to compare the pictures on Day 1 and Day 30.  But, I wouldn't be surprised if my weight hasn't gone down much but I can assure you that I feel my clothes loose on me.  This is what I was counting on.  Loose clothes, not so snug.   Why would my weight not go down so much?  Remember, I am doing crossfit, so I am gaining back my muscle slowly.   
However, I will continue with another 30 days of strict paleo.  That means no sugar (dates, dried fruits, chocolate, or too many fruits, etc..) and alcohol.  They are usually allowed in regular paleo diet after you meet our goal.  But, I am trying to reduce my body fat percentage, so I have to omit those from my Paleo diet.  And, this time I will refrain using Why Protein isolate after my first 30 Day Paleo Challenge since they have dairy in it.  I am going to stick with L-glutamine and BCAA with unsweetened almond milk.

This morning, I wasn't in the mood to make breakfast.  I wasn't too hungry.  I didn't even finish my latte.  Due to my poor sleep last night.  I didn't get enough sleep, so I decided to make vanilla protein drink (whey protein) with unsweetened vanilla almond milk.  Then I went back to my bed to take a nap before I headed out to Austin to run a few errands.  Today was my rest day from crossfit.  

After my brief nap, I got ready and it was almost noon, still, I wasn't hungry for lunch.  So, I ate half an apple with coconut butter and very little bit of almond butter just to keep my energy level up.  I had to make myself eat.  

I went to get my nails done first.  Then, I had to make a trip to Nordstrom to make an exchange for something else.  Then I went to Central Market to get some dinner.  I finally felt hungry.  So, I went to the salad bar.  See below.  (Always eat something before you shop for food otherwise you grab unnecessarily junks into your cart!  Trust me, it does happen.)

Kale, Arugula, Carrots, little bit of Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Chicken, little bit of Beets, purple Cabbage, and lemon EVOO and little bit of balsamic vinegar.  And I mixed 2 different kinds of tea into my cup.  Sunburst Green Tea and Hibiscus Mint Tea.  Sooo good!

I grabbed what I needed for dinner and headed home.  I couldn't wait to have steak!!  My kids really love eating steak.  They wish they eat steak every week!  Or 2 times a week, at least.  We don't eat red meat often, except for grass fed ground beef, once to twice every other week.  Steak, probably every 2 to 3 weeks or so.  We eat mostly white meat.  
And my husband is out of town so I was thrilled to get Japanese Sweet Potato, my favorite but not my husband's.  I took advantage of having some for dinner tonight!

What are Japanese Sweet Potatoes?  See the link below.

I baked both Japanese sweet potato (red) and Idaho potatoes (for my kids)  I used Le Creuset roasting pan with cover , and filled it with an inch or two of water in the pan.  Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour or so.  

Before 1 hour was up, I took it out and cut each potato into half so they would cook some more in the core of potatoes.  I returned the pan back in the oven to cook while I grilled the steak.

Now... if you want to eat the oh so good steak then I recommend you to buy grass fed steak.  No questions.  They are so tender!

Grass Fed Top Sirloin Steak at Central Market.  You can find Grass Fed steak at your local food stores.  Just ask.

Now, when I was at the bulk area thinking of what seasoning to use for my steak to rub with.  Remember, the fewer ingredients, the better they taste.  I took my time in there to study the spices and seasonings they had.  When I saw the applewood smoked sea salt... I thought, Perfect!!!!!  Flavored sea salt!?  I never thought of that!  So, I grabbed that.  
When I saw that, Vanilla Pepper, I thought that was interesting.  I gambled, I got some of that.

I couldn't wait to season my steak with these 2 new ingredients.

Just sprinkle enough of both spices, applewood smoked sea salt and vanilla pepper on both sides of the steak.  Rub these in real well.  Let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes so the sea salt and pepper will make the steak ever more tender.  Trust me on this one.  Just do it!

Yes, I used my skillet.  It is so cold outside and my husband is out of town and I didn't want to mess with his grill.   Heat the skillet medium-high, number between 6-7 on gas stove.  Let it get hot first for a little bit before you sear or cook your steak.  My kids and I love our steak rare medium.  So, I seared the steak exactly 6 minutes on each side.

Done!  6 minutes on each side of steak.  Ready to cut.  It smelled so good!  It perfumed the whole kitchen!

Rare medium, perfect!  Just what we wanted.  Both kids couldn't wait to get those babies on their plate!

I made side salad with lemon juice and EVOO.  Half of Japanese sweet potato with little bit of coconut oil, sea salt and pepper.  Let me tell you, those steak were exceptionally heaven!!!!!  They tasted so delicious.  Those spices I used were perfect!    Don't be shy to buy these and try these on your steak or chicken!  Soo good!  

It's gonna be cold the next 6 weeks, apparently so,  the groundhog stayed underground. Yesterday, I bought 2 more new workout outfits for Crossfit.   I cannot wait to wear these tomorrow and Friday.  They are gonna keep me warm.  I will have to wear long socks with these too.  

Who's ready for warm weather??  I AM!!!

From TJMaxx

I'm going to hit the sack now since I didn't sleep well last night.  I hope I will sleep through the night.

Night, y'all

Meli Emmons

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